Life can be
My journey to find the freedom to express my true self has helped me discover powerful ways to help YOU to do the same... I did not know the longing for a deep experience of love was within me, true joy and happiness comes from my heart, and with that purity I can navigate this life. Loving with the truth of sanctified connection and intimacy that starts from within.
The moment I willingly committed and truly decided I wanted to change, my life changed profoundly.
When I asked for help, help came...
Sometimes we have to listen or look up, and see the hand that holds the help we asked for. Like the hand I was given, I now compassionately reach for yours. I'm here to help you to reconnect to your heart and discover the truth of love comes from within.

Meet Dani
I felt trapped with nowhere to turn. My hope was gone and had been replaced with darkness, a feeling that descended over me like a heavy blanket. I had been here before, and the overwhelm of depression and anxiety terrified me.. I did everything I could to keep myself from feeling that crushing weight of fear and sadness I had tried to elude.. by not feeling what was there to be felt. I held everything in and pushed thoughts that worried me to the side. This time was different because I was a mother, and what was coming felt too heavy for me to hold and still show up for my children. The constant struggle to get out of bed gave way to tears because I had run out of ideas on how to fix this life that seemed to hold me down.
"...I saw the world with new eyes, revealing the wonder and delight that this experience of life has to offer. I realized life can be magic when I choose to
embody ME."