Freedom to Express
A creative and impactful way to explore my journey of personal programs, stories, loops and beliefs.
I share and reveal intimate insights of the mind vs. heart and how I find my truth by connecting within, feeling, and expressing my heart. Discovering myself, through music, dance, words, voice, and paint.
The intention is to share my experience and my freedom to express through the medium of art, mirroring back relatable emotions the viewer may experience on their own journey towards truth and love.

Who am I
To stand bare with no mask, to face our programs, beliefs, stories and loops, and to go within takes a desire to connect to the heart.
The mask shows our egoic identity, the one we present to the world based on our programming. Everyone's masks are different and yet create the same boundaries from each other and ourselves. Created as a way of dealing with the world and what it asks of us.
The masks we wear are the faces we become, but when the mask is lifted who and what is beneath? Perhaps an opportunity to discover who "I AM" and who I am not.
Allowing and opening to vulnerability with a desire to intimately connect within, we may find what we are all looking for.

To remove the mask is to step into the unknown, leaving behind who we think we are and going within to remember our true self.
I explore through dance and music what it is to wear and remove masks while challenging ego stories. Intentionally using movement to move past these psychological spaces and embody emotions that block us from feeling and connecting deeply with ourselves. Allowing the intimacy that comes from going within to be seen. The performance encourages others to witness what is being reflected with an opportunity to contemplate their own masks and storied that hold them from their hearts.
Next Preformance - 14th March Nelson Fringe festival 6pm -Red Door Theater
"I am"
the next part of the journey - Creating space between the ego and my true self, becoming the observer, witnessing the push pull of the ego vs the stillness and peace within.